Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Best Christmas Movies

I love this time of year, and Christmas movies always help me feel more festive. I'm a sucker for all the made for tv movies about Christmas, especially those that end with the realization that Santa Claus is in fact real. But those aren't "real" movies, or least movies that I can watch over and over again, due to the less than stellar acting. So what are your favorite Christmas movies that actually came out in a theater? Mine are:

1. Christmas Vacation

2. Home Alone

3. Scrooged

4. Love Actually

5. Die Hard - honestly

I know that A Christmas Story is not on the list, and no it's not an accident. I HATE that movie!


Maisy said...

Hey Katie~
I would have to say my favorite holiday movie of all time is Elf. I just watched it on TV the other day and I still think it's funny. As you can see I like silly humor!
Great blog and hats off to you for being such a loving single mom. You are awesome and should pat yourself on the back at least once a day. Mom's like you make this world so much better!!

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