We are spending the next two night with the PGP's and the PGGP's. I really love hanging out with them because I feel like I'm with my grandparents when I'm around them. Tonight we watched a Big Love marathon, with all of the sex scenes on fast forward, of course! I also got a chance to work on my scarf that is taking me forever to finish! Hopefully by tomorrow I will be done with almost all of the crocheting, and then just a little finishing touches.
I had never watched Big Love until today, and I really am liking it! I am fascinated by LDS culture. I really love how family oriented they are- I think it's such a wonderful thing. I'm not trying to lump all LDS together, or stereotype, I just mean I think it's lovely how important the familial unit is to them.
Growing up in a fundamentalist Baptist family, church was a huge part of my life. Since the time I began questioning my faith a few years ago, the thing I have missed the most is the sense of community that comes along with being an active member in the church. I still go to church, but I feel something missing. I miss being able to pray at night and really believing my prayers were going to make a difference.
If anyone in this area knows of a good church to attend, let me know. I want Spencer to have a church family, and I want to believe the way I used to believe. Back in the day, I used to constantly say this quote to myself each morning; "I may not know what tomorrow brings, but I'm certain of who brings tomorrow."
I want to meet a nice guy who believes the same type of things, or at least some of them. I need someone who can inspire me, both spiritually and intellectually. I want someone who is going to drag me out of bed of Sunday morning and say "Woman, we are going to church!" Okay, that part was an exaggeration, no one calls me "woman" unless it is "Pretty Woman."
Who knows how this post digressed into this, but what the hey, it's my late night stream of consciousness. I find that when I write at night, I tend to be more honest with myself, so we'll see how this works for the next week, and then I reevaluate. I hope everyone had a great first day back work!
Goodnight Internet, until tomorrow!
Slow Start
1 week ago
Thanks for all your thoughts. You are sooo very sweet. I really do believe that wonderful things come to REAL people. You are among them!!
Happy 2009
I actually really love that show! I was iffy about it at first due to the fact that I'm LDS myself and this show actually follows a different religious group called the FLDS church. I was concerned that people would judge my religion based on this show, but I actually like the way they portray that lifestyle.
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